Painting update

12 April, 2020

It’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything here. I have been playing a few games. In particular I’ve been playing Sellswords and Spellslingers with Kieran quite regularly. I even have some figures in 28mm I could paint for it. In additition last year I made some 15mm terrain for it, scrubs and boulders. I also bought some trees, but didn’t get so far with them.


Boulders and shrubs for SoBH and SS&SS

I have also ugraded my hills for DBA. I used a t-shirt base for the polystyrene hills. It gives some protection and makes them non-slip.


Numidian light infantry try out the new hills.

I may yet make some difficult hills that incorporate rocks. I got some moulds from the hobby shop last year; you can see some of the first lot of rocks incorporated into the scrubs above.

Otherwise, I have been playing DBA quite frequently. I’ve gone out to Nick’s regularly and we’ve used a number of armies each time. I also went to a pub on the North Shore during the week before the lockdown started. It was a great occasion and once lockdown ends could become a fixture. I had three games of DBA in the evening.

I have quite a few figures ready to paint. Rather than finish any of them I have got elements for four armies ready to go. Which ones will I do first?


Clockwise from the back: Late Imperial Romans, Syrians, Communal Italians and Veteran Carthaginians. 15 mounted and 114 foot.

The Carthaginians were started at the end of 2018, as were the Italians. I should get them finished first, as they are in various stages of completion. The Syrians will flesh out the Syrian Army that is complete, and I recently got their shields sorted, which was a major exercise, as they all come with little bucklers, and I want them to have shields with LBM transfers. Finally I bought the Romans at the end of 2018 and they’ve been at the back of the queue since then. I decided to get them all prepped, but I would like to paint them after the others (they’re the first of enough for BBDBA).

10 Responses to “Painting update”

  1. Martin Smith Says:

    Hi Mark
    Good luck with the painting- look forward to seeing the progress.

    Q – what’s the reference to ‘t-shirt hills’ about? I haven’t heard if this, and I’m intrigued….
    Martin S. (UK)

    • Mark Davies Says:

      Thanks. I make my terrain using watered down No More Gaps on t-shirts. It’s thin, flexible and durable. I decided to glue t-shirt onto the base of the hills as well. It worked!

  2. redcaer1690 Says:

    Always good to see a table of projects. I cleared my table yesterday and guess what!??
    Looking forward to seeing your BBDBA units- I finally got to the Basing stage with my Hun horde!!

    • Mark Davies Says:

      Thanks. I’m keen to get the LIR to a BBDBA stage. They’re likely to be very effective at that scale. Pike armies are too, perhaps for different reasons. The Carthaginian Veteran Spear are for BBDBA. I’ve used a mixed block of Spear up until now – Carthaginians, Greek mercenaries and Campanians. These should have more elan!

  3. Mark Davies Says:

    Don’t have any historical opponents for the LIR. Is I morphed them into Patricians, Huns would be good. That may happen down the track.

    Something planned for after the Huns?

  4. Aaron Bell Says:

    Hi Mark, just wondering how you are getting on and if you are still wargaming. There is a NZ hex and counter board wargaming group which has just had a convention in Auckland over Labour Weekend. They’re on Facebook here if you are on it:

    Anyway, hope all is well with you. I’ve been using your page tonight to research Numidian elephants so it seemed only right to leave a comment and see how you are getting on!

    We’re in New Zealand now so if you ever get down to Nelson and are keen for a game feel free to drop me a line on


    • Mark Davies Says:

      Still gaming in Auckland. Occasional DBA days and some Sellswords and Spellslingers. Painting hasn’t happened in a while.

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